Multiplication Service

Multiplication is safe, right?


We are given problem.sage, and a server to nc to.


The challenge server implements a twisted Edwards curve(Ed448), and has a point multiplication oracle.

However, the oracle does not check if our point is on the curve, allowing us to input arbituary points


If we multiply the point (0,y) by s, we get (0,y^s), so we have effectively reduced this into a Diffie-Hellman problem.

Solving Diffie-Hellman for a large non-smooth number would not be possible. Fortunately, we got bounds on s%pn where pn are multiples of p-1. The usual attack for Diffie-Hellman is with Pohlig-Hellman, and solving the subgroups with BSGS.

Since we have bounds(b) on the solution to the smaller subgroup, we can store g^n from 0 to sqrt(b), and check if h/g^(sqrt(b)n) from 0 to sqrt(b) is in.

There are 2 solutions since g^0=g^1=1(mod 2), we simply try both solutions, and by using another point, we notice only the case g^0=1(mod2) works, so we simply use that in the CRT to obtain the private key.

Solution script at

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