Live From Serangoon Road

Damnit, this telco is down again. It’s fine, we know exactly how they encrypted the message, maybe you might be able to help us decode it?

Files given:

The challenge here is that we have 4 lfsr, and a very funny way to combine them. As we are given the first 9 characters, we have the first 72 outputs of the combined stream cipher.

Initially I thought of running correlation attacks, but this would be extremely troublesome. Eventually I recalled that there was a similar challenge - zer0lfsr, so I used the lfsr implementation as that worked with z3 and modified a little, and got z3 to work and it immeidately gave the solution (after remembering to remove newline in the plaintext).

The solution script can be found at

Flag: CTFSG{C0rRel4t10N_AtT4cK$_0n_LsFR_101}