Can you imagine this could be so hard for the Oracle?
Files given:
def keygen(nbit):
while True:
p, q = [getStrongPrime(nbit) for _ in '01']
if p % 4 == q % 4 == 3:
return (p**2)*q, p
def encrypt(m, pubkey):
if GCD(m, pubkey) != 1 or m >= 2**(2*nbit - 2):
return None
return pow(m, 2, pubkey)
def flag_encrypt(flag, p, q):
m = bytes_to_long(flag)
assert m < p * q
return pow(m, 65537, p * q)
The cryptosystem here is simply \(m\mapsto m^2\) and we also have access to a decryption function that is not given in the code. The idea is we first recover \(p^2q\) by taking repeated gcds with \(m^2\) and the output of the encryption. Then somehow if we decrypt \(-1\), the result is of the form \(kp+1\) which makes it extremely easy to solve for \(p\), and hence get the flag.
I’m not exactly sure why this works but randomly throwing unexpected inputs sometimes works!
Solution at