
Cryptography is coupled with all kinds of equations very much!

Files given:

m_1, m_2 = flag[: l // 2], flag[l // 2:]

x, y = bytes_to_long(m_1), bytes_to_long(m_2)

k = '''
'''.replace('\n', '')

assert((x**2 + 1)*(y**2 + 1) - 2*(x - y)*(x*y - 1) == 4*(int(k, 16) + x*y))

We are given the equation


and need to find integer solutions for \(x,y\). Since this is a quadratic in both \(x,y\), we can easily solve this quadratic for \(x\) in terms of \(y\) as

\[x=\frac{2\sqrt k}{y-1}-1\]

and this tells us that \(y-1\) is a factor of \(2\sqrt k\). Factoring this in yafu, we can write a quick brute force script to print all possible flags.

Solution at solve.sage

Flag: CCTF{S1mPL3_4Nd_N!cE_Diophantine_EqUa7I0nS!}