So Pat has learnt some Elliptic Curve Point Multiplication and she was like “I wanna implement some Dual_EC_DRBG” and I’m like “Isn’t that the one with the fishy NSA backdoor?” but then she was like “I’m gonna generate my own curve”.
So anyways she encrypted secret.txt with a key and threw away secret.txt and said key.
And I want them back. Can you decrypt as much of secret.txt as you can and recover the key?
Files given:
This challenge has two flags in it and presents a worse version of the Dual_EC_DRBG PRNG. We first give a brief description of the implemented PRNG, then describe how it can be broken to obtain the first flag then with more effort, the second flag.
Suppose we know that \(kP=Q\), then we know \(k\cdot seed\cdot Q=seed\cdot P\), which is precisely the next iteration, breaking the PRNG completely.Now we only need to find a \(k\) such that \(kP=Q\).
Note that as per usual, we XOR the stream with our plaintext. Since we are given the 30th plaintext chunk, we know the 30th output of the stream cipher.
If you have seen CTF challenges enough, there is only so many possible attacks. A smooth order of P, low embedding degree, or trace 1 curves. Fortunately the curve has trace 1! To see this open sage and run EllipticCurve(GF(p),[A,B]).trace_of_frobenius()
This allows us to perform the Smart attack. In summary the Smart attack relies on a certain exact sequence of curves over local fields and an isomorphism between one dimensional formal groups, in the future I’m planning to write a blog post about it but for now feel free to find online resources about it!
With this in mind, we decrypt all the text after the 30th block:
s30 = 0xb4a594ad888dfc431ae16437ec0d894a3cac840d151962addf139c4b1f63ec73
sQ = E.lift_x(s30,all=True)[0]
seed[30] = launch_attack(Q,sQ,p,A,B)
for i in range(31,len(seed)):
seed[i] = ZZ((seed[i-1]*P).xy()[0])
t = xor(get_stream(seed[i])),enc[i*32:(i+1)*32])
print("".join(chr(i) for i in t))
and this gives us
that Earth will be very warm i
n the days to come. It will be
warm and will get very cold, and
will probably turn into a get
cold again. But Earth is very
good at understanding her own
behavior. In a few weeks , it wi
ll be good for everyone. I hope
this is a helpful and instructi
ve example.
giving us the first flag.
As we have the smart attack, we can use it iteratively to reverse the PRNG. However as there are two possible points with the same x coordinates, this is quite a lot of bruteforcing. Fortunately we can assume that the plaintext comprises of ascii characters and skip the branches that results in garbage plaintext. This gives us the second flag
def rev(seed,P,n):
if n == 0:
return [[]]
sP = E.lift_x(seed,all=True)
if len(sP) == 0:
return []
sol = []
p_seed = launch_attack(P,sP[0],p,A,B)
t = xor(sec(ZZ(p_seed)).to_bytes(32, 'big'),enc[(n-2)*32:(n-1)*32])
if not all(0<i<0x80 for i in t):
return []
print("".join(chr(i) for i in t))
for i in rev(p_seed,P,n-1):
if [p_seed]+i not in sol:
p_seed = ZZ((-p_seed) % p)
for i in rev(p_seed,P,n-1):
if [p_seed]+i not in sol:
return sol
s = rev(seed[30],P,31)
which gives us
and here we see our second flag!
Solution script is located at solve.sage
WH2021{N0t_4_v3rY_S3cUr3_3nCrypT10n_1f_kn0w1ng_0n3_s33d_C4n_d3crYp4_s0_mUCh}, WH2021{0_w0w_U_d1D_1t_g00d_jOB}